“Safe hands when required”

Even key executives require breaks from time to time. Childbirth, holidays, medical issues, family reasons and more.

Often the solution is to place subordinates “acting” in their role. Frequently this is a great solution, as it exposes other staff to the next layer of business thinking & adds to their overall training.

Sometimes however this is not a viable solution. The subordinate doesn’t have the skills or attitude, or the demands of their regular tasks  are simply too mission critical and hard to divulge for them to devote sufficient time to take on this role on in any meaningful sense. In these situations a suitable temporary executive is often the solution.

The Change Tank has the experience of entering companies from all industries cold, and then getting up to speed within days, to work with top executives implementing fundamental change . We could certainly do this in your business – with or without a change mandate. The Change Tank has an extensive range of known & trusted executives across most skillsets

Need a temporary exec? Discuss this!