Small Business Coaching


“Supporting you do what you already know needs doing”

As a small business owner you already know your business better than anyone. You know every transaction, every process, every step. As a business person you consider yourself an entrepreneur, you’ve read countless business motivation books & you attend an industry forum. You already know what you should be doing,

Q: But why aren’t you doing it? Why hasn’t your plan to step back from the business & get it ready for sale (or whatever your goal) progressed?

A: It’s that tired old answer you’ve heard 100 times before. Your busy working “in” your business not “on” your business

For small business coaching, the approach is not so much how can I help you with expertise & knowledge – but more how can I help you hold yourself accountable for achieving the bigger picture goals. I’ll treat you as an equal & we’ll get your business to the next level together.

Let’s knock it on the head.