Process Mapping


“Complexity made understandable”

The modern organisation is increasingly complex.  With specialist departments, enterprise IT systems and small bespoke systems, B2B & 3rd party supply chain, divergent departments, mullti-site operations and dotted lines of authority, it can be hard for business leaders to remain 100% aware of exactly how all the cogs fit together.  While there is often a sense that things could be better, it can be hard to know where to focus.

The Change Tank specialise in working with you & your staff, to discover whats actually happening – not just what’ supposed to be happening.  We then  workshop with your staff to discover the friction points.  It is important to note that this review process can not be run with a purely system/IT hat  – because then you never capture the “off-system” interactions (the phone calls, the informal escalation points, the locally created spreadsheets and “appointment books”).  Also a key aspect of a Change Tank review is the intersection of the activities with the  humans/management behaviours and actions.

We are yet to see a situation in which process mapping hasn’t led to a veritable campaign of identified improvements.  Need step-change but don’t know where to focus?  Let the Change Tank run a process mapping exercise and have all the improvement insights you could want.

Let’s get a map on your wall !!