Considering engaging a management consultant?
Here are the 3 main things you need to consider when determining who will be the best fit for you.
Experience. It seems like a no-brainer. But let's unpack it a little.
Firstly you want someone who's been around for a while. Who's seen it before If they haven't done it before, why pay to let them learn on your time. However there there's more to it than this. Some people will have many years of very specific experience within a highly correlated industry with very closely related firms. Naturally people tend to think of this category of experience first when considering a consultant.
In conclusion you need to always pick people or firms with
The next thing you need to do is take a realistic assessment of the structure of company you will be looking at getting in. The large global consulting campanies typically guarantee someone will work on your account with some extraordinatu knowledge in your niche, but often they will be a project director, flying in for a day each steering committee meeting (at large expense to you) while amore junior person works on the job
some text on team
About Author | Photo of Author | Matthew Johnston
Matthew Johnston is the Director of the Change Tank and has been involved in management consulting projects within Australia and New Zealand for nearly 2o years - across a range of industry sectors
How to Choose a Management Consultant | Consultant Selection | Which consulting firm to use |